The Center for Freeform Optics
An Industry/University Cooperative Research Center

OSA Women in Science Tributes

OSA’s Women in Science Tributes were recently awarded to honor Professor Jannick Rolland, Director of the Center for Freeform Optics (CeFO). 

“Thank you OSA to give me the opportunity to sincerely thank Pr Jannick Rolland for her leadership in optical engineering, and especially for her major contributions in the field of optical systems design, which are a great source of inspiration for me and many optical designers. Thanks to you Jannick (with Kevin), optical design has entered the 21st century.”

— Ass Pr Thierry Lepine, Institut d’Optique

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“Jannick is at the cutting edge of research in freeform optics for imaging – key results in theory and application come from her research group at Rochester. As director of the NSF Center for Freeform Optics, she continues to broaden and advance this exciting new field, helping students and professionals to grow into experts. I got into freeform optics for illumination over 15 years ago, and Jannick has helped me greatly to connect the illumination and imaging aspects of freeform optics. Thanks!

— Mr. Julius Augustin Muschaweck

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My first scientific encounter with Prof. Jannick Rolland was at an OSA annual conference at Rochester few years ago. I was presenting a poster paper on the deeper implications of Non-Interaction of Wave (NIW) amplitudes for the prevailing coherence theory. Instead of walking away with benign neglect; Jannick took time to understand the implications and corrected a sloppy mistake based on the NIW-proposition. I was deeply moved by her quick grasp of NIW and her friendly help in correcting me.”

— Prof. Dr. Chandra Roychoudhuri, University of Connecticut

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