The Center for Freeform Optics
An Industry/University Cooperative Research Center

Freeform See-Through Head-Worn Displays

Head Worn DisplayAaron Bauer and Jannick P. Rolland recently published a paper, ‘Visual space assessment of two all-reflective, freeform, optical see-through head-worn displays,’ in Optics Express 22(11), 13155-13163 (2014)



Abstract: Head-worn displays have begun to infiltrate the commercial electronics scene as mobile computing power has decreased in price and increased in availability. A prototypical head-worn display is both lightweight and compact, while achieving high quality optical performance. In off-axis geometries, freeform optical surfaces allow an optical designer additional degrees of freedom necessary to create a device that meets these conditions. In this paper, we show two optical see-through head-worn display designs, both comprising two freeform elements with an emphasis on visual space assessment and parameters.

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June 2014