The Center for Freeform Optics
An Industry/University Cooperative Research Center

Call for Papers: ASPEN/ASPE Spring 2017 Topical Conference

aspen-aspe2017topicalCall for papers

The joint ASPEN(Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology)/ASPE (American Society for Precision Engineering) Spring Topical Meeting on the Manufacture and Metrology of Structured and Freeform Surfaces for Functional Applications is designed to focus industry, academic and governmental interest, and expertise on the advancement of technologies essential to the manufacture of structured and freeform surfaces. Structured and freeform surfaces with functional characteristics have been widely used in many fields of industrial applications such as advanced optics, large-scale optics, aerospace, automotive, telecommunications, biomedical, micro-fluidics, etc. The meeting aims to provide an excellent opportunity and platform for academics and industries to discuss topics on the physical, mechanical, electronic, and chemical aspects in the design, fabrication and measurement of structured and freeform surfaces and their functional characteristics.  Read more…